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Nacionalna bezbednost - alternative i perspektive

dc.creatorDragišić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractIn this work author analyzed a modern concept of national security and alternatives to the concept that have appeared so far in contemporary theory and practice. The concept of human security that had emerged in the middle of nineties in last century has been estimated by many theoreticians as 'a finally found' alternative to a state-centered concept of national security that excluded a person- individual as a referential object of security defense. However, the states which have been among the first ones to have embraced this concept of human security and implemented it into their own security strategies and politics have not abandoned from their systems of national security at the same time. On the contrary, majority of these states have additionally strengthened their own armed forces, therefore in practice having established some sort of a middle form of these two concepts, that is being regarded as a basis for a new conceptualization of security.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se analizira savremeni koncept nacionalne bezbednosti i alternative koje se tom konceptu pojavljuju u savremenoj teoriji i praksi. Koncept ljudske bezbednosti koji se pojavio sredinom devedesetih godina prošloga veka, mnogi teoretičari su dočekali kao 'napokon pronađenu ' alternativu državocentričnom konceptu nacionalne bezbednosti, koji je čoveka- pojedinca isključivao kao referentni objekat bezbednosne zaštite. Međutim, države koje su prve prihvatile koncept ljudske bezbednosti i uključile ga u svoje bezbednosne strategije i politike, nisu odustale od sistema nacionalne bezbednosti, naprotiv, većina tih država je dodatno ojačala svoje oružane snage, čime je u praksi uspostavljen, srednji put između ova dva koncepta, za koji smatramo da će biti osnova za novu konceptualizaciju
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectnational securityen
dc.subjecthuman securityen
dc.subjectsecurity paradigmen
dc.subjectmiddle form of securityen
dc.subjectnacionalna bezbednostsr
dc.subjectljudska bezbednostsr
dc.subjectbezbednosna paradigmasr
dc.subjectsrednji put u bezbednostisr
dc.titleNational security: Its alternatives and perspectivesen
dc.titleNacionalna bezbednost - alternative i perspektivesr
dcterms.abstractДрагишић, Зоран; Национална безбедност - алтернативе и перспективе; Национална безбедност - алтернативе и перспективе;
dc.citation.other(2): 217-232

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