Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Savremeno tumačenje pojma nacionalna logistika

dc.creatorStanojević, Petar
dc.creatorMišković, Vasilije
dc.creatorJeftić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractThere are many essentially similar interpretations of the concept of logistics in contemporary science. Interpretations are primarily concerned with the economic aspect and purpose of logistics. Definitions differ only according to the number of processes that are included or the way in which they could be managed. The similar situation is with the definitions of military logistics although they encompass greater number of various processes. There are not many definitions of national logistics in literature. Once definitions are found, they are related to national support to economy. In order to bridge the gap between the concept of logistics in the economic aspect and for the purpose of meeting logistical needs of the people, the armed forces, security sector and others involved in crises situations, the necessary coverage and content of the concept of national logistics in the broader sense has been reached on the basis of analysis of literature, relevant factors and their mutual relations. The research of the meaning of the concept has been done for the utmost practical reason - explanation of the importance and coverage of something that has to be managed in practice, that requires development of an appropriate strategy, planning, organising and developing regulatory framework in order to better prepare a country for the inevitable occurrence of crises situations and effective and efficient response in such case.en
dc.description.abstractPostoji mnogo, po suštini sličnih tumačenja pojma logistika u savremenoj nauci. Tumačenja prvenstveno tretiraju privredni aspekt i svrhu logistike. Definicije se razlikuju samo prema broju procesa koji su obuhvaćeni ili načinu kako bi se njima moglo upravljati. Slično je i sa definicijama vojne logistike i ako one obuhvataju veći broj različitih procesa. U literaturi se ne može naći veliki broj definicija nacionalne logistike. I kada se nađu, one se odnose na nacionalnu podršku privredi. Zbog premošćavanja jaza između poimanja logistike u privrednom smislu i smislu zadovoljavanja logističkih potreba naroda, vojske, bezbednosnih i drugih angažovanih sastava u kriznim situacijama, a na osnovu analize literature, relevantnih činilaca i međusobnih odnosa došlo se do neophodnog obuhvata i sadržaja pojma nacionalne logistike u širem smislu. Istraživanje značenja pojma rađeno je iz krajnje praktičnog razloga - objašnjavanja značaja i obuhvata nečega čime u praksi treba upravljati, za šta treba koncipirati odgovarajuću strategiju, planirati, organizovati i razviti regulatorni okvir kako bi se zemlja bolje pripremila za neumitni dolazak kriznih situacija i efektivan i efikasan odgovor u tom sluč
dc.publisherMinistarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd
dc.sourceVojno delo
dc.subjectnational logisticsen
dc.subjectcrises situationsen
dc.subjectnacionalna logistikasr
dc.subjectkrizne situacijesr
dc.titleContemporary interpretation of the concept of national logisticsen
dc.titleSavremeno tumačenje pojma nacionalna logistikasr
dcterms.abstractСтанојевић, Петар; Јефтић, Зоран; Мишковић, Василије; Савремено тумачење појма национална логистика; Савремено тумачење појма национална логистика;
dc.citation.other69(3): 280-302



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