Приказ резултата 422-441 од 612

      Relationship between demographic and environmental factors and knowledge of secondary school students on natural disasters [1]
      Religija i terorizam [1]
      Religion and terrorism [1]
      Religiousness level and citizen preparedness for natural disasters [1]
      Republic of Serbia natural and other disaster risk assessment: Methodology [1]
      Restoring tourist flows and regenerating city's image: the case of Belgrade [1]
      Resursi kritične infrastrukture i njihov značaj za upravljanje vanrednim situacijama [1]
      Resursi pijaće vode kao izvor izraelsko-arapskih konflikata [1]
      Resursi Republike Srbije u zaštiti kritične infrastrukture od terorističkih pretnji [1]
      Rethinking security [1]
      Rijaliti šou kao medijski model stanovanja [1]
      Risk assessment in protection of persons, property and business affairs: Risks of illegal behavior and lack of adequate normative regulations [1]
      Risk Based Approach to Integrity Assessment of a Large Spherical Pressure Vessel [1]
      Risk: Specific form of posing a danger to security [1]
      Risks of non-military security threats relevant for the third mission of the Army of Serbia [1]
      Rizici nevojnih pretnji bezbednosti od značaja za treću misiju Vojske Srbije [1]
      Rizik - specifičan oblik ugrožavanja bezbednosti [1]
      Rodno osetljiv jezik - iskustva iz Vojske Srbije [1]
      Role and capacities of local community in environmental security - on example of polluted drinking water in municipality of Užice [1]
      Role of media in the project of cultural imperialism [1]