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Specifičnosti savremenog integrisanog sistema upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama

dc.creatorGačić, Jasmina
dc.creatorJakovljević, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractUntil early 1980s, the main aim of the existing system for the management in the state of emergency was the Continuity of Government (CoG). A few years later a new program of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM), which was conceptually clearer and wider, was adopted. This program indicated that government and the state had reoriented their relation to different dangerous situations which may endanger the civilians and the entire society. In the theoretical and practical sense, a different course was taken with respect to natural, industrial and other dangers. The lack of the precise formulation of the role of each subject in the comprehensive emergency management demanded the definition of the new program. This was the reason for the greatest number of states to determine a more precise and original model of the Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS). This program should put the emphasis on the civil readiness of the state, in regard to all potential risks and threats, but at the same time it should have ensure that the states subjects at each level achieve the integrated cooperation in the sense of the coordination regardless of the danger in question. Bearing in mind In regard to the changed security environment, and the efforts which the national states were making to create the integrated response to the states of emergency, the EU has developed a large number of instruments to make an integrated response to the emergency situations. The establishment of European Emergency Response Capacity on the basis of the property of the member states and the development of the European Emergency Response Centre (EERC) were proposed as the base of the response strategy in emergency situations. The main component in the integrated security sector and the management of the states of emergency in Bulgaria is the command and control system C-2. The crucial element is the integration of the horizontal and vertical services on the national, regional and international levels and the factor which shows their mutual functioning and networking.en
dc.description.abstractSve do ranih osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka glavni cilj postojećeg sistema za upravljanje u vanrednim situacijama bio je kontinuitet funkcionisanja državnih organa (Continuity of Government - CoG). Kao konceptualno jasniji i širi program, nekoliko godina kasnije usvojen je novi program sveobuhvatnog upravljanja vanrednim situacijama (Comprehensive Emergency Management - CEM). Ovaj program je označio preorijentaciju u odnosu vlade i države prema različitim opasnostima koje mogu da ugroze građane i društvo u celini. U teorijskom i praktičnom smislu definisano je drugačije usmerenje prema prirodnim, industrijskim i drugim opasnostima. Nedostatak precizne formulacije koja je uloga svih subjekata u sveobuhvatnom upravljanju vanrednim situacijama zahtevao je definisanje novog programa. Većina država se iz tih razloga opredelila za precizniji i originalniji model integrisanog upravlja- nja vanrednim situacijama (Integrated Emergency Management System - IEMS). Ovaj program je trebalo da stavi naglasak na civilnu pripravnost države u odnosu na sve potencijalne rizike i pretnje, ali da istovremeno obezbedi da različiti nivoi i subjekti u državi ostvare integrisanu saradnju u pogledu koordinacije u svim vrstama opasnosti. Imajući u vidu promenjeno bezbednosno okruženje i napore nacionalnih država u kreiranju integrisanog odgovora na vanredne sitaucije, EU je razvila niz instrumenata za integrisani odgovor na vanredne situacije. Stvaranje Evropskog kapaciteta za odgovor u katastrofama (European Emergency Response Capacity) na temelju imovine država članica, kao i razvoj Evropskog centra za odgovor u katastrofama (European Emergency Response Centre - EERC) predloženi su kao osnov strategije odgovora na vanredne situacije. Ključna komponenta u integrisanom sektoru bezbednosti i upravljanju vanrednim situacijama u Bugarskoj jeste komandni i kontrolni sistem (Command and control system C-2). To je suštinski element horizontalne i vertikalne integracije službi na nacionalnom, regionalnom i međunarodnom nivou, i faktor koji pokazuje njihovu međusobnu operativnost i umreženost.en
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectemergency situationen
dc.subjectintegrated systemen
dc.subjectcivil protectionen
dc.subjectvanredne situacijesr
dc.subjectintegrisani sistemsr
dc.subjectcivilna zaštitasr
dc.titleThe specific characteristics of the modern integrated system of management in the state of emergencyen
dc.titleSpecifičnosti savremenog integrisanog sistema upravljanja u vanrednim situacijamasr
dcterms.abstractЈаковљевић, Владимир; Гачић, Јасмина; Специфичности савременог интегрисаног система управљања у ванредним ситуацијама; Специфичности савременог интегрисаног система управљања у ванредним ситуацијама;
dc.citation.other56(3): 64-77

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