Prikaz rezultata 420-439 od 638

      Qualitative approach to the research into the parameters of human security in the community [1]
      Quality control in qualitative research [1]
      Razlike u sticanju međunarodnog legitimiteta Palestine i KiM [1]
      Razumevanje koncepta vojne kulture [1]
      Razvoj demokratske civilne kontrole vojske u periodu tranzicije nekih zemalja u okruženju [1]
      Razvoj institucija i izgradnja političkog sistema Srbije [1]
      Razvojno-istraživački rad VŠUP, monografija [1]
      Reactive and spontaneus аggressiveness of the young [1]
      Reaktivna i spontana agresivnost mladih [1]
      Regional civil security cooperation in South Eastern europe: The case of disaster preparedness and prevention initiative [1]
      Relations between the Republic of Turkey and the United States of America during the decade of the rule of the Justice and development party (from 2002 to 2012) [1]
      Relationship between demographic and environmental factors and knowledge of secondary school students on natural disasters [1]
      Religija i terorizam [1]
      Religion and terrorism [1]
      Religiousness level and citizen preparedness for natural disasters [1]
      Republic of Serbia natural and other disaster risk assessment: Methodology [1]
      Restoring tourist flows and regenerating city's image: the case of Belgrade [1]
      Resursi kritične infrastrukture i njihov značaj za upravljanje vanrednim situacijama [1]
      Resursi pijaće vode kao izvor izraelsko-arapskih konflikata [1]
      Resursi Republike Srbije u zaštiti kritične infrastrukture od terorističkih pretnji [1]